
The first time ever I blogged this place.

Look. This blog will probably strive for revolutionary but get irreverent, at best. More than likely it will contain glaring discrepancies, bizarre (possibly unfounded) observations, grammatical errors, and a whole lot of movie and music clips. It will alternate between confessional and obtuse, between self deprecation and passive aggressive snobbishness. It's continuity will struggle. One day it may be a site for widows to share recipes, the next a place for foot fetishists to mingle.

My hope is to provide incendiary language that provokes people, inspires them- but more than likely there will just be a lot of swearing. This blog does promise raunch, art, humor, discomfort, annoyance, beauty, horror, and cautious optimism.

Don't be surprised if one moment you're watching a clip of Patsy Cline and the next you're horrified by my defending of Howard Stern as a feminist. Or something. In any case, I'll try to achieve a nice balance between the gory and the beautiful, although they're both so fucking close.

Oh, and as an addendum- I owe much of this to my childhood friend, Ransom, who is credited with not only telling me my first dirty joke, but also with having a much better blog than mine will ever be.

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